Winery & Vineyard Insurance Provided By Our Agency

Owning and operating a winery can be as complex as your boldest reds. And in your line of work, you face many more risks than you may know — from grape growing and harvesting to balancing the books to the legal liabilities that come with serving alcohol.

The best way to adequately protect your business and all that flows from it is with a blend of several different business insurance policies and endorsements working together.

Common risks Wineries & Vineyards face

Wineries and vineyards are complicated businesses that can come with big rewards and no shortage of risks. You wear many hats to run your business. From a farmer to a scientist, to a marketer, and many more—yet many things are simply out of your control.

It would help if you had winery insurance to protect you from the financial losses accompanying damaged crops, spoiled wine, lawsuits, and other unforeseen events that can cost you everything.

Even a small winery must insure every step of the winemaking process. One unexpected problem can destroy your thriving business overnight as you grow, harvest, ferment, bottle, and sell your wines.

The biggest risk concerns Wineries & Vineyards face.

  • Guests on your property or at an event, slip, and fall
  • Guests damage or destroy grapes, wine, or equipment
  • Grapes are crushed in transit
  • Leakage, spillage, or accidental mixing destroys wine in the process
  • Insecticides used on grape crops drift onto neighboring properties
  • Contamination and product recalls
  • Winemaking equipment or agricultural equipment breakdown
  • Extreme weather or natural disasters
  • Wildfires, insect infestation, and plant diseases

Even stored wine just sitting in the cellar comes with its own risks, like:

  • Spillage or leakage
  • Fire
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Utility or refrigeration outages
  • Supply chain or logistics problems and delays
  • Transportation and trucking exposures, from poorly trained drivers, to accidents and truck refrigeration breakdown

Why You May Need Winery & Vineyard Insurance

To fully protect your winery, you’ll need a customized package of property, liability, automobile, crime, liquor liability, and other policies — a little of this, some of that, and so on.

Some coverages to be considered:

  • Property
  • Umbrella & Excess Casualty
  • Workers Compensation
  • Accident & Health Solutions
  • Crime/Financial Fidelity
  • Cyber
  • Builder’s Risk
  • Commercial Auto
  • Commercial Package (CMP)
  • Environmental
  • Equipment Breakdown
  • Marine
  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Errors & Omissions Liability
  • Fiduciary Liability
  • Kidnap Ransom & Extortion
  • Media Liability

Our team can help you understand the unique risks and needs of your winery business and help you find the right combination of coverage.

Don’t wait until you file a claim to determine if you have the proper insurance protection for your winery or vineyard. Instead, talk to us today to know how to keep your winery protected!

Already have Winery & Vineyard Insurance?

Switching is easy! It might be time to switch insurers whenever the service that your existing insurer provides doesn’t meet your needs. For example, if you have a poor claims experience or an unexplained rate increase, it might be time to consider other options

If you cancel a previous policy before a new policy is effective, you could run into some serious financial problems.

Contact us today to help you with multiple options to choose from.