Technology Company Insurance Provided By Our Agency

Imagine the possibilities! Whether you’re a technology product company with an idea, or IT Contractor, we’ve got your back. We understand all of the different risks that come along with developing new technologies and can help find the right coverage to keep you protected.

What is Technology Company Insurance?

Technology Firm Insurance is a collection of diverse business insurance developed to address tech enterprises' unique risk management requirements, assisting in preventing disruptions to your premises, staff, and operation.

Different Types of coverage for Technology Companies

With general liability insurance, your technology company might be shielded against legal action for physical harm or property damage.

Commercial property insurance covers where you do business and your tools, like computer equipment and office furniture.

If you cannot operate your business due to covered property damage, such as a fire, business income insurance can help you restore lost income.

Some other coverages you must consider are:

Errors and omissions insurance
When a customer sues you for a mistake or overlook, regardless of whether it was your fault, errors, or omissions, insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, defends your IT company.

Cyber liability insurance
Cyber liability insurance covers the costs of legal defense, credit monitoring, and other recovery measures if a data breach or cyberattack results in losses for your business or your clients.

Workers' compensation insurance
Workers' compensation covers medical expenses for sickness and injuries sustained at work. Employers are required to carry this policy in almost all states.

Fidelity bonds
If an employee defrauds a client or your firm by stealing from it or forging documents, fidelity bonds shield your tech company from suffering financial harm. Client agreements frequently call for them.

What is the importance of Technology Company Insurance?

Technology firm owners should never underestimate the importance of technology insurance. It is essential protection for any business and will help them focus on growth without worrying about bumps in the road or financial concerns that come with it. To learn more, contact us today!